Solicitation of Prostitution
Prostitution is a crime in California, and so is the solicitation of prostitution. If you are caught soliciting or agreeing to solicit the act of prostitution, you can face jail time and monetary fines as part of your punishments. The word ‘solicit’ in CA Penal Code 647(b) means to lure or to attract which means that solicitation can be done by either side. For example, a prostitute tries to lure a person to engage in sexual activity in exchange for money commits the crime of solicitation of prostitution. Or if a person offers to give money to another person if that person agrees to engage in sexual activity with him or her, the person is guilty of solicitation of prostitution. Solicitation is also often uncovered through sting operations by law enforcement agencies, and in many cases, innocent people are falsely accused of it. If no one believes you, we are here to believe you, listen to your side of the story, interpret it in legal terms and laws, and aggressively present it in the court. If you are facing solicitation of prostitution charges, you can count on the legal advice and defense representation of the attorneys at Law Office of David S. Chesley.
Many situations qualify for the charges of solicitation in prostitution, some of the examples are,
- Loitering with intent to commit prostitution.
- Repeatedly beckoning to, waving at, or engaging in conversation with drivers, passengers or passers-by indicative of soliciting prostitution.
- Collecting or receiving money or compensation earned through prostitution.
- Agreeing to engage in prostitution when compensation for sex has been offered.
If you or your loved ones are facing the charges of solicitation in prostitution, do not wait for the case to go on trial. Instead, you must contact a defense attorney right in the beginning to avoid complications in the later stages. Our defense attorneys can study your case in detail, can be present at the time of investigation to warn your or save you from unnecessary questions that can lead to self-implication and can guide you at every step of the trial. During the early investigation, we can find details that can be helpful in your case and may even deter prosecutor from filing charges. The conduct of the law enforcement is a key defense in the solicitation in prostitution cases, and we find out all the relevant details of the time of arrest or investigation to identify loopholes.